Mineral Supplies

We are expanding our business horizons to also include the supplying of mineral resources.

We currently supply the following minerals: Chromite Ore, Manganese Ore, Iron Ore, and Copper Ore. All these mineral resources will be exported from South Africa.

Available Minerals

Chromite Ore

This brownish-black oxide of chromium and iron has the chemical structure of FeCr₂O₄, usages include Refactory, Casting, Blasting, Grinding, Lapping in foundry and steel industries.

Manganese Ore

This silver-gray brittle metal has the atomic number of 25, can be used to increase the hardness of steel.

Copper Ore

This chemical element can be mined to conduct electricity.

Iron Ore

This type of ore is being used to produce steel.

Get In Touch

Should you require additional information regarding our developments, rental stocks, or the exporting of minerals, please feel free to send us an email. Alternatively, complete the form below and we will get back to you.